Featured Product of the Month: Carrier Gas Furnace | Columbia Heating and Cooling Portland, Oregon
Written by Columbia HVAC

Featured Product of the Month: Carrier Gas Furnace

Let’s be honest, the Portland Metro area has seen enough snow in the past few weeks to last us through the rest of the winter. And while we just aren’t used to this kind of winter weather, unfortunately, there are still a few more months of winter to come!

That’s why our featured product for the month of January is the Carrier Gas Furnace – a smarter, more efficient way to warm your home this winter. Take a look at just some of the benefits of heating your home with natural gas:

Saves Money
Natural gas is a cheaper form of energy when compared to electricity. Heating your home with an energy-efficient gas furnace will help you save significantly on your utility bills for years to come.

Energy Efficient
Using a natural gas furnace will reduce your carbon footprint. Natural gas is one of the cleanest burning fossil fuels and produces 45% less carbon dioxide emissions than conventional fuel.

Natural gas furnaces can be utilized at any time – even during a power outage. Heat is more easily and quickly controlled.

The Carrier Gas Furnace is an exceptional and fuel-efficient way to provide warmth and comfort to your home this winter. Carrier has a range of top of the line furnaces available and we can help install one that’s perfect for your home. These energy-saving appliances are a great investment for the winter months for years to come.

Call us today for a FREE estimate for any replacement unit or set up an appointment to talk to one of our experts who can recommend the right Carrier product for your home.