5 HVAC Myths and Misconceptions Debunked | Columbia HVAC
Written by Columbia HVAC

5 HVAC Myths and Misconceptions Debunked

For most homeowners, learning how to care for and use the appliances and systems in their homes is an ongoing process riddled with trial and error. Years of guesswork has resulted in some commonly held beliefs about HVAC systems that are simply untrue (and may be costing you money).

To help you get a better handle on how your HVAC functions (and how it doesn’t) we’ve debunked five popular HVAC myths.

1. MYTH: All HVAC systems have a 20-year lifespan.

While HVAC systems can function for two full decades, most last between 10 and 15 years. The greatest determining factor in your HVAC’s lifespan is how well it’s cared for. Regularly changing your air filters and keeping up with routine maintenance is an excellent way to keep your HVAC humming and healthy for as long as possible.

2. MYTH: Closing interior doors will keep energy costs low.

Some homeowners try to save energy by restricting heating/cooling to an infrequently used room or attempting to keep a particular room warm or cold by closing doors. In actuality, closing doors can increase energy consumption and may create other problems due to restricted airflow. For more details on the science of why this occurs, check out our blog post: Closing Doors Won’t Save on Energy Costs.

3. MYTH: Turning up the thermostat will heat your home faster.

Despite commonly held beliefs, higher heat doesn’t equate to faster heat. HVAC units are designed to pump out enough air to heat a specific amount of square footage. Setting your thermostat for a higher temperature will simply result in a hotter house (but not in haste) and a higher utility bill.

4. MYTH: Turning the thermostat down will cool your home faster.

Riding in on the coattails of its sister myth, attempting to chill your castle with frigid temperatures is a waste of precious energy. Fun fact not mentioned above? HVAC equipment emits air with 100% gusto regardless of how hot or cold you want your space. Drastic changes in temperature do not activate a higher functionality on your HVAC, it just makes it work for a longer period of time.

5. MYTH: Turning off your system intermittently when it’s not in use will save money.

Unlike the overhead lights of your home and appliances like the dishwasher or the oven, shutting your HVAC down intermittently when temperature control is not necessary can actually result in a bigger monthly bill. How? Turning a unit off and on requires a bigger surge of energy than simply keeping it purring along at comfortable room temperatures. Make incremental, mild changes to your thermostat and reap the rewards of comfort and low cost.

Is it time to check up on your HVAC system? Keep in mind, the efficiency of your HVAC system impacts your heating and cooling costs! Gear up for fall and winter with the professionals at Columbia Heating and Cooling. Call today at (503) 624-2704 for a FREE replacement quote!