Written by Columbia HVAC

What’s Your Home’s IAQ?

IAQ isn’t a special, new type of IQ Test that you haven’t yet heard about. IAQ is HVAC terminology that stands for “indoor air quality.” Maintaining healthy IAQ and making sure your HVAC supports good IAQ is important. Polluted indoor air has been cited as one of the leading threats to human health. It can impact or exacerbate health problems and even cause some illnesses.

So, what is your home’s IAQ? If you’re concerned about the quality of air in your home, consider investing in an air quality testing device. Air quality can be measured with a device called a volatile organic compounds (VOC) sensor, carbon dioxide meters, and radon detectors.

The good news is that the first line of defense against unhealthy IAQ is already built into your HVAC system. Your furnace filter is the primary deterrent against indoor air particles that can lower the overall air quality. However, there are additional solutions available on the market to help remedy specific IAQ problems. Here are a few of the more common options out there:

Whole-Home Humidifiers or Dehumidifiers
Humidity levels can impact the air quality in your home and your overall comfort. Installing a humidifier or dehumidifier – depending on your circumstances – can help lessen the strain on your air conditioner, improve IAQ, and keep your home comfortable in the warmer months.

UV Lights
Installing UV light systems can help block indoor air pollutants, bacteria, and viruses. The UV light spectrum eliminates these unwanted particles and odors, all while ensuring healthy IAQ for your family.

Air Cleaners
Air cleaners, or air purifiers, are often built into existing HVAC ductwork or act as stand-alone systems. This device works to remove contaminants from the air and can be particularly beneficial for allergy and asthma sufferers.

Even your thermostat helps to control and maintain the air quality in your home. A thermostat acts a command center and tells your heating and cooling system when to work and what it needs to do to keep your home comfortable.

If you feel your IAQ is lacking, get in touch with us! Our heating and cooling experts can help you assess what steps need to be taken to maintain a healthy IAQ. Call Columbia Heating and Cooling today to learn more.