Ideal Room Temperatures for a New Baby | Columbia Heating & Cooling
Written by Columbia HVAC

Ideal Room Temperatures for a New Baby

From picking out onesies and BPA-free bottles to properly installing a rear-facing car seat, gearing up to bring home a baby is an experience full of both stress and excitement. While fussing over the final touches of the nursery might be top of mind, the temperature of your baby’s new environment can be crucial to his or her health.

Keep your baby safe and warm this winter. 

Bringing home your bundle of joy during this holiday season? Be sure to keep your baby’s room at a comfortable 68 to 72 degrees. A small heavy blanket and cozy swaddle may help to combat the cold – but be cautious of excessive layering. Steer clear of hats during sleep, as they can interfere with your child’s natural body temperature regulation, and any unused bedding should be removed from their crib to avoid suffocation.

Tip: Place your baby’s bed away from vents and heaters to ensure they aren’t directly under streams of hot air.

Make your home comfortable for Baby in the summer.

While the temperature range of 68 to 72 degrees is ideal for sleeping babies, warmer weather might thwart your best efforts and inch your nursery temperature upwards. Bi-annual maintenance (we recommend maintenance in the spring and fall) can help make sure your A/C is working as it should to keep your home at a cool, steady temperature. If your HVAC isn’t performing – use fans to keep air circulating as a “quick fix” until your system is updated or repaired. Just be sure the fans aren’t pointed directly at your infant. You might also consider installing an attic ventilator to prevent your A/C from working to cool unfinished attic space.

In addition to creating cooler spaces inside of your home, be sure to keep your baby hydrated (this applies no matter the season) and dressed appropriately. Warm temperatures call for lighter sleeping blankets and less clothing.

Tip: Be sure to check on your baby regularly during sleep for signs of overheating. Sweating, quick and shallow breaths, heat rash, and flushed cheeks may indicate that your baby is much too warm.

When it comes to your child, nothing is as important as his or her health and safety. If your HVAC system is struggling to keep your home comfortable for you and your family, don’t hesitate to give us a call at Columbia Heating and Cooling. We’re here to help!

Phone in for a FREE replacement quote today at (503) 624-2704.