Top 5 Places to Check for Air Leaks When Sealing Your Home | Columbia Heating and Cooling Portland, Oregon
Written by Columbia HVAC

Top 5 Places to Check for Air Leaks When Sealing Your Home

While all homes have a certain amount of air that sneaks through the cracks, cold and windy weather can cause an undesirable amount of air to move through your home – particularly if it’s an older structure.

Sealing your home for air leaks is an easy and cost-effective way to help you save money during any season. Reducing the amount of air leaks will cut heating and cooling costs, help keep your home comfortable, and create a healthier indoor environment.

Here are five of the most common problem areas to consider when you’re sealing or looking for air leaks in your home.

1. Attic

Most significant air leaks come from the attic or basement. Make sure to check behind insulation in your attic for any air leaks. Sealing these leaks will help your insulation work more effectively and keep your home more comfortable in the colder months.

2. Basement
Look for air leaks along the top of the basement wall where cement comes in contact with the wood frame. These are called rim or band joists. Sealing any gaps or cracks around these joists will help greatly reduce the cold air that drafts into your basement.

3. Doors and Windows
Doors and windows tend to leak the most air. Use caulk, weatherstripping or foam sealant on these areas. You can also use temporary window covers like plastic shrink film to help keep the cold air from drafting in.

4. Gaps from Plumbing, Ducting, and Electrical Wiring
Seal around holes from plumbing, ducting, and wiring that comes through walls, floors, ceilings, and soffits over cabinets.

5. Fireplaces
Keep your fireplace flue tightly closed when not in use. Make sure to check for air leaks around your chimney. Seal these areas with fire-resistant materials like furnace cement caulk.

The most effective way to ensure all of the problem areas are found is to have a qualified professional conduct a home energy audit. A home energy audit provides close examination of every room in your house. This helps determine how much energy your home uses and how to make your home more efficient.

At Columbia Heating & Cooling, we offer products with innovative technology to provide you with the most efficient solutions for your HVAC needs. Give us a call today to see how we can help you cut back on your heating and cooling costs and make your home more comfortable during this winter season.